Welcome to your Growth Session Name Email Business Phone 1. How confident do you feel leading others? Do Not Lead Others or Very Low Ability High Skill Level in Leading Others 2. Where would you rate your current abilities with delegation and decision making? Very Low Abilities in decision making and delegation Highly Competent in Decision Making and Delegating 3. If you were to take a look over your last few work weeks assessing your interactions with others and their reactions, how would you rate your ability to connect and communicate well with others? I have a lot of trouble or conflict communicating with others I have strong communication skills and the ability to connect well with others 4. How is your ability to give people vision and to bring a team of people together to work on a shared goal/outcome? Very Little Experience With This or Low Skill Development Highly Skilled with Vision and Leading a Team 5. Select all the leadership skills you have already developed and feel quite confident in delivering. As an example, if you have not lead a team yet, do not check 'team leadership' as a skill you have. Time Management Skills People Management Developing Others: ie Mentoring Communication Skills Team Leadership 6. I am a great communicator. On a scale of 0-5 how would you rate your ability to connect and communicate with others? I am starting to develop my communication skills I have superior communication skills 7. In a meeting, my overall general behavior of how I show up on a consistent basis would be... (Select the option that best describes you most of the time) I'm confident in speaking up, having a voice, and sharing my opinion with little fear of judgement I am hesitant to speak in meetings even when I have opinions or something to say I do have a voice occasionally at meetings, but it can be uncomfortable for me or I sometimes hesitate and have some fear of judgement 8. I avoid conflict and would rather pass on having a difficult conversation. Rate yourself on a score of 1-10 on your ability to handle conflict, willingness to approach a difficult conversation, and confidence in communicating during a challenge. Less More 9. I communicate directly and easily ask for what I need. On a scale of 1-5, how often do you use direct communication? Less More 10. How confident do you feel in your role at work? My confidence is low I feel very confident 11. Whether you are or are not a leader yet, how confident do you feel as a leader? Confidence Leading is Low Very Confident Leading 12. Which statement best describes your mindset or thoughts? Select one of the following: I know and feel confident in my abilities, value and worth to the company no matter how someone treats me or if a negative situation occurs. I am confident most of the time and I communicate confidently. I do doubt myself regularly and I can be hard on myself being very self critical at times. I know I have work to do in being more confident. I know I am capable, but sometimes suffer from Imposter Syndrome or get caught up in comparing myself to others. I doubt myself when I make a mistake or fail. I am confident most of the time and only doubt myself when someone judges or criticizes me. 13. I know I must have some limiting beliefs, unconscious or conscious, that limit my career and leadership goals even if I don't know what they are specifically. True False 14. Step into the shoes of how others perceive you as well as how you know you show up, how would you rate your executive or leadership presence? Executive Presence is Low or Non-existent Executive Presence is Strong and Confident 15. The best way to describe my presentation skills would be... I really enjoy presenting. It comes easy to me and I connect well with the audience. Presenting is not my favorite thing to do, but I take time to prepare and deliver on what I need to and feel I could use some refinement to improve it. I get very nervous presenting and avoid it. It is not something I am strong at and I feel that I could definitely use some help in improving my presentation skills. 16. I am aware of how my body language communicates to others and I consciously implement some techniques to have a confident presence to others. Yes, I currently and actively do this. No, this is not something I currently do. 17. Have you ever received feedback about your presence or do you instinctively know, it can be improved especially as you advance? Yes No 18. I have a career advancement plan and career growth goals set up for myself that I actively and regularly check to see how I am progressing. True False 19. I am clear on my career direction and what I want or where I want to lead it. I lack clarity and direction in my career I am very clear and have career direction 20. Some of the career growth advocacy steps I have taken personally include the following: (Select all that apply) I have sought out a mentor, advocate, or a coach for support and guidance with my personal career growth goals. I network inside and outside the company to nurture relationships in my industry and for possible career exploration and growth I have not taken a lot of career growth steps yet for whatever reason. I have communicated to my manager or supervisor that my goal is to grow and advance with the company or into a leadership role. 21. When it comes to your career and being bold and courageous for growth, what is your risk level in going after what you want? Ex. Making a bold ask or not waiting to apply for a leadership position that is beyond your skill and experience level. I am not a risk taker and avoid failure I am comfortable with high risk 22. How assertive are you at work? Remember that assertive does not mean aggressive. Being assertive means that you freely communicate your needs, opinions, and requests in a direct and respectful way. An unassertive person would not share or communicate their thoughts, needs, opinions, or boundaries. I am not assertive at all I always assert myself 23. If you were to rate yourself on how you are at work on a scale of being passive versus pro-active in your job, as a leader, and/or in your career development, what is an accurate measurement for you up until this point? Being pro-active is going after what you want and not waiting for it. Less More 24. On a scale of 1-5 how would you rate you ability to boldly ask for what you want and need? I rarely ask for what I want and need I am bold and ask for what I want and need 25. I am an action taker. I consistently take action and rather than waiting passively for things to happen or for things to come to me, I go after what I want or make things happen. I am low on action taking. I have been passive. I am a great action taker and go after what I want or deserve. Time's up