Upcoming Events

The Me Hemaa Conference

Date: Aug 2, 2024 07:00PM GMT

The Me Hemaa Community is proud to present the “Growing Together, Rising Together” conference, a powerful event designed to empower women and foster meaningful relationships within our community. Centered around the pillar of relationship building, this conference aims to provide a transformative platform for women to connect, learn, and grow together in an environment that celebrates unity and empowerment.

Register Here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_FwoV4BN9RuSYr2T8xhWxlA

The 360 Enterprise MasterClass: August 22, 2024

UpYouWomen’s Conference 2024

Date: Saturday, August 31st, 2024

Register now for the UpYouWomen’s Conference happening in Lagos this August. This is your chance to be part of a transformative event designed to inspire and empower women across Nigeria and beyond. Whether you choose to attend physically at EbonyLife Place, Victoria Island, Lagos, or virtually from the comfort of your home, this hybrid conference offers you unparalleled access to invaluable insights and experiences.

Don’t miss out! Register now:
Virtual Attendance: [https://paystack.com/pay/upyouconference2024_v](https://paystack.com/pay/upyouconference2024_v)
Physical Attendance: [https://paystack.com/pay/upyouconference2024](https://paystack.com/pay/upyouconference)

Past Events

The Art of Customer Service will look into how we get to move service from just an encounter to an experience that reflects in Customer satisfaction, retention and loyalty.

Join us; Monday, 22nd August, 2022